Berserk is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. Set in a medieval Europe-inspired dark fantasy world, the story centers on the characters of Guts, a lone mercenary, and Griffith, the leader of a mercenary band called the 'Band of the Hawk'. Ost tribal website. Berserk is one of the most popular and longest-running seinen series ever. Manga Monday: Dark Horse Celebrates 30 Years of Publishing Manga! 2018 marks 30 years that Dark Horse has been publishing manga.
I have never written a review before but i felt i had to for this one, watched all of the origional berserk only to get to the 2016 version and find that the animation was unwatchable for me its shit. Cheap cgi like you would find in a diy videogame or youtube animated video, actually i take that back every diy animation ive seen looks better than this nausiating fo-3d garbage the origional.
Berserk (Japanese: ベルセルク Hepburn: Beruseruku) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. Set in a medieval Europe-inspired dark fantasy world, the story centers on the characters of Guts, a lone mercenary, and Griffith, the leader of a mercenary band called the 'Band of the Hawk'. Themes of isolation, camaraderie, and the question of whether humanity is fundamentally good or evil pervade the story, as it explores both the best and worst of human nature. Both the manga and anime adaptations are known for their use of graphic violence and sexual content.Miura premiered a prototype of Berserk in 1988. The actual series began the following year in the now-defunct magazine Monthly Animal House, which was replaced in 1992 by the bimonthly magazine Young Animal, where Berserk continues to be serialized intermittently. The series was adapted into a twenty-five episode anime TV series covering the series' Golden Age arc by Oriental Light and Magic from October 1997 to March 1998. A trilogy of films, Berserk: The Golden Age Arc, was released beginning in 2012. A second anime TV adaptation was broadcast in 2016 and 2017 for a total of twenty-four episodes. Guts, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh childhood lived with mercenaries, a gigantic sword, and an iron prosthetic left hand, Gats must struggle against his bleak destiny, all the while fighting with a rage that might strip him of his humanity.
All Chapters
- 4.86 (860 Votes)
- Alternative Name:ベルセルク;剑风传奇;烙印勇士;烙印战士;베르세르크;Berserk Prototype;Berserk the Prototype;Berserk!!
- Demographic:Seinen
- Genre(s):Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Horror,Mature,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
- Author(s): MIURA Kentaro
- Artist(s): MIURA Kentaro
- Status(s):Ongoing Berserk 363 will coming soon
- Rank:62th
- Type:Manga
- Summary:
Gats, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh c... MOREGats, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh childhood lived with mercenaries, a gigantic sword, and an iron prosthetic left hand, Gats must struggle against his bleak destiny, all the while fighting with a rage that might strip him of his humanity.Warning: This manga is for mature audiences only, since it has sexual content and graphic violence (gore, blood, rape, etc). Definitely not for the weak hearted. HIDE
Berserk (Japanese: ベルセルク Hepburn: Beruseruku) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. Set in a medieval Europe-inspired dark fantasy world, the story centers on the characters of Guts, a lone mercenary, and Griffith, the leader of a mercenary band called the 'Band of the Hawk'. Themes of isolation, camaraderie, and the question of whether humanity is fundamentally good or evil pervade the story, as it explores both the best and worst of human nature. Both the manga and anime adaptations are known for their use of graphic violence and sexual content.Miura premiered a prototype of Berserk in 1988. The actual series began the following year in the now-defunct magazine Monthly Animal House, which was replaced in 1992 by the bimonthly magazine Young Animal, where Berserk continues to be serialized intermittently. The series was adapted into a twenty-five episode anime TV series covering the series' Golden Age arc by Oriental Light and Magic from October 1997 to March 1998. A trilogy of films, Berserk: The Golden Age Arc, was released beginning in 2012. A second anime TV adaptation was broadcast in 2016 and 2017 for a total of twenty-four episodes. Guts, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh childhood lived with mercenaries, a gigantic sword, and an iron prosthetic left hand, Gats must struggle against his bleak destiny, all the while fighting with a rage that might strip him of his humanity.
All Chapters
- 4.86 (860 Votes)
- Alternative Name:ベルセルク;剑风传奇;烙印勇士;烙印战士;베르세르크;Berserk Prototype;Berserk the Prototype;Berserk!!
- Demographic:Seinen
- Genre(s):Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Horror,Mature,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
- Author(s): MIURA Kentaro
- Artist(s): MIURA Kentaro
- Status(s):Ongoing Berserk 363 will coming soon
- Rank:62th
- Type:Manga
- Summary:
Gats, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh c... MOREGats, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh childhood lived with mercenaries, a gigantic sword, and an iron prosthetic left hand, Gats must struggle against his bleak destiny, all the while fighting with a rage that might strip him of his humanity.Warning: This manga is for mature audiences only, since it has sexual content and graphic violence (gore, blood, rape, etc). Definitely not for the weak hearted. HIDE
5 Manga Like 'Berserk' | HobbyLark
Berserk Chapters
Berserk Chapter 1
- Berserk 362 Oct 23,2020
- Berserk 361 Jul 23,2020
- Berserk 360 Cherry Tree GardenApr 24,2020
- Berserk 359 Aug 23,2019
- Berserk 358 Apr 28,2019
- Berserk 357 Triumphant Return by DawnNov 14,2018
- Berserk 356.5 Jötunn (Part Two)Jul 03,2018
- Berserk 356 Apr 30,2018
- Berserk 355 Mar 24,2018
- Berserk 354 Dec 28,2018
- Berserk 353 Jan 27,2018
- Berserk 352 Dec 23,2017
- Berserk 351 Forest of Corpses and Needling PinesJun 23,2017
- Berserk 350 Memory FragmentsMay 27,2017
- Berserk 349 Apr 29,2017
- Berserk 348 Mar 24,2017
- Berserk 347 Flowerstorm KingSep 24,2016
- Berserk 346 ElfhelmAug 25,2016
- Berserk 345 ArchmageJul 25,2016
- Berserk 344 The Witches' Village (Evil Genius Ver.)Jul 04,2016
- Berserk 343 Blazing PuppetDec 28,2015
- Berserk 342 Elf Island and Onwards!Nov 30,2015
- Berserk 341 Soaring FlightOct 26,2015
- Berserk 340 Struggle in the DarkSep 29,2015
- Berserk 339 Moonlit CapitalAug 31,2015
- Berserk 338 Death Visits at DuskJul 26,2015
- Berserk 337 Bridge of PartingOct 04,2014
- Berserk 336 PandaemoniumAug 14,2014
- Berserk 335 Divine RightMay 26,2014
- Berserk 334 City of MenApr 12,2014
- Berserk 333 ParadiseJan 13,2013
- Berserk 332 CaravanNov 07,2012
- Berserk 331 Shooting StarOct 15,2012
- Berserk 330 The Spring Blossoms of Another Day 3Jul 14,2012
- Berserk 329 The Spring Blossoms of Another Day 2Jun 25,2012
- Berserk 328 The Spring Blossoms of Another Day 1Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 327 SurfacingFeb 21,2012
- Berserk 326 SirensFeb 05,2012
- Berserk 325 Merrow (2)Sep 27,2011
- Berserk 324 Merrow (1)Jul 26,2011
- Berserk 323 Call of the DeepJul 10,2011
- Berserk 322 The HeartJun 26,2011
- Berserk 321 The Sea God (3)May 14,2011
- Berserk 320 The Sea God (2)Apr 23,2011
- Berserk 319 The Sea God (1)Apr 10,2011
- Berserk 318 Bestial WarriorDec 05,2010
- Berserk 317 Full Moon (2)Nov 17,2010
- Berserk 316 Full Moon (1)Oct 31,2010
- Berserk 315 Tentacle ShipSep 27,2010
- Berserk 314 Human TentaclesDec 07,2010
- Berserk 313 Beings of the Wicked OceanDec 07,2010
- Berserk 312 The Girl in the Howling ShoalsDec 07,2010
- Berserk 311 Solitary IslandDec 07,2010
- Berserk 310 Phantom Shirep (3)Dec 07,2010
- Berserk 309 Phantom Shirep (2)Jun 03,2013
- Berserk 308 Phantom Shirep (1)Dec 07,2010
- Berserk 307 FalconiaDec 07,2010
- Berserk 306 FantasiaDec 07,2010
- Berserk 305 FoundationDec 07,2010
- Berserk 304 FissureDec 07,2010
- Berserk 303 BacklightDec 07,2010
- Berserk 302 SoarDec 07,2010
- Berserk 301 ConfusionDec 07,2010
- Berserk 300 The Maiden of the HawkDec 07,2010
- Berserk 299 Battlefield of the InhumanDec 07,2010
- Berserk 298 Demonic ReleaseDec 07,2010
- Berserk 297 The Blindness of the Great GodMar 12,2013
- Berserk 296 Roaring HeavenMar 12,2013
- Berserk 295 UngodMar 12,2013
- Berserk 294 ExodusMar 12,2013
- Berserk 293 Quiet DarknessMar 12,2013
- Berserk 292 Mist of DeathMar 12,2013
- Berserk 291 Foretelling DreamsMar 12,2013
- Berserk 290 Howl from the DarknessMar 12,2013
- Berserk 289 Sea Battle (2)Mar 12,2013
- Berserk 288 Sea Battle (1)Mar 12,2013
- Berserk 287 BubblesMar 12,2013
- Berserk 286 On BoardMar 12,2013
- Berserk 285 HeroMar 12,2013
- Berserk 284 Midland Regular ArmyMar 12,2013
- Berserk 283 Fierce GaleMar 12,2013
- Berserk 282 Bursting BattlefieldMar 12,2013
- Berserk 281 Incoming FlightMar 12,2013
- Berserk 280 The Great Invasion (2)Mar 12,2013
- Berserk 279 The Great Invasion (1)Mar 08,2013
- Berserk 278 Setting SailMar 08,2013
- Berserk 277 Flesh CannonMar 08,2013
- Berserk 276 Cloud ClusterMar 07,2013
- Berserk 275 Invasion of the Demonic ForcesMar 07,2013
- Berserk 274 Thunder EmperorMar 07,2013
- Berserk 273 Explosive FlameMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.7 The CoilerMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.6 Eastern MagicMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.5 Paramarishia SenaniMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.4 Sword BeastMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.3 Blaze RodMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.2 Scorching BayMar 07,2013
- Berserk 272.1 City of Demon Beasts, Part 2Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.9 City of Demon Beasts, Part 1Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.8 Divine RevelationMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.7 Demon Beast InvasionMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.6 A Proclamation of WarMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.5 The Rusted BirdcageMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.4 IntrusionMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.3 Enchanted TigerMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.2 Suzerain of the Religious DomainMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271.1 DuelMar 07,2013
- Berserk 271 The Colonnade ChamberMar 07,2013
- Berserk 270 The BallMar 07,2013
- Berserk 269 MotherMar 07,2013
- Berserk 268 The White Lily of the FieldMar 07,2013
- Berserk 267 In the GardenMar 07,2013
- Berserk 266 VandimionMar 07,2013
- Berserk 265 HomingMar 07,2013
- Berserk 264 A Meager SupperMar 07,2013
- Berserk 263 WarriorMar 07,2013
- Berserk 262 BloodshedMar 07,2013
- Berserk 261 The Kite and the Owl of the WharfMar 07,2013
- Berserk 260 City of HumansMar 07,2013
- Berserk 259 Navy YardMar 07,2013
- Berserk 258 Superhuman (Jnanin)Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 257 The Roar of the SeaMar 07,2013
- Berserk 256 Sea BeastMar 07,2013
- Berserk 255 Supernatural FogMar 07,2013
- Berserk 254 FamiliarsMar 07,2013
- Berserk 253 The Boy in the MoonlightMar 07,2013
- Berserk 252 Proclaimed OmensMar 07,2013
- Berserk 251 The Sound of the SeaMar 07,2013
- Berserk 250 The Sleeping Princess AwakensMar 07,2013
- Berserk 249 Demon GodMar 07,2013
- Berserk 248 Demon KnightsMar 07,2013
- Berserk 247 The DakaMar 07,2013
- Berserk 246 Dread EmperorMar 07,2013
- Berserk 245 Demon CityMar 07,2013
- Berserk 244 Departure of FlameMar 07,2013
- Berserk 243 The Depths of HellfireMar 07,2013
- Berserk 242 Fire DragonMar 07,2013
- Berserk 241 The Berserker Armor, Part 2Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 240 The Berserker Armor, Part 1Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 239 The Blaze, Part 2Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 238 The Blaze, Part 1Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 237 Claw MarksMar 07,2013
- Berserk 236 CompanionsMar 07,2013
- Berserk 235 Whore Princess of the Uterine SeaMar 07,2013
- Berserk 234 Vicinity of the NetherworldMar 07,2013
- Berserk 233 RedemptionMar 07,2013
- Berserk 232 RetributionMar 07,2013
- Berserk 231 TaintMar 07,2013
- Berserk 230 QliphothMar 07,2013
- Berserk 229 ShamanMar 07,2013
- Berserk 228 Raging TorrentMar 07,2013
- Berserk 227 Evil Horde, Part 2Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 226 Evil Horde, Part 1Mar 07,2013
- Berserk 225 The Arcana of InvocationMar 07,2013
- Berserk 224 MagicMar 07,2013
- Berserk 223 Mirror of SinMar 07,2013
- Berserk 222 Magic SwordMar 07,2013
- Berserk 221 Troll RaidMar 05,2013
- Berserk 220 Ambition and ReflectionMar 05,2013
- Berserk 219 Enoch VillageMar 05,2013
- Berserk 218 ElementalsMar 05,2013
- Berserk 217 Magic StoneMar 05,2013
- Berserk 216 The Astral WorldMar 05,2013
- Berserk 215 Mansion of the Spirit Tree, Part 2Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 214 Mansion of the Spirit Tree, Part 1Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 213 The WitchMar 05,2013
- Berserk 212 TrollsMar 05,2013
- Berserk 211 Like A ChildMar 05,2013
- Berserk 210 The Night of Falling StarsMar 05,2013
- Berserk 209 Wings of Light and DarknessMar 05,2013
- Berserk 208 The Banner of the Flying SwordMar 05,2013
- Berserk 207 Evil BattleMar 05,2013
- Berserk 206 Wilderness ReunionMar 05,2013
- Berserk 205 Fangs of EgoMar 05,2013
- Berserk 204 Scattered TimeMar 05,2013
- Berserk 203 Winter Journey 2Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 202 Winter Journey 1Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 201 Snow and Fire (Conclusion)Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 200 Snow and Fire (Prologue)Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 199 Wind of Time 2Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 198 Wind of Time 1Mar 05,2013
- Berserk 197 Kusharn AssaultMar 05,2013
- Berserk 196 Preface to the WarMar 05,2013
- Berserk 195 ImmutableMar 05,2013
- Berserk 194 The Beast Swordsman VS The Black SwordsmanMar 05,2013
- Berserk 193 Reunion on the Hill of SwordsMar 05,2013
- Berserk 192 Millennium Falcon: Crusaders the Tattered WorldMar 05,2013
- Berserk 191 Retribution the Birth Rite Determination and Departure (Fixed)Sep 02,2014
- Berserk 190 Retribution the Birth Rite ArrivalMar 05,2013
- Berserk 189 Retribution the Birth Rite DawnMar 05,2013
- Berserk 188 Retribution the Birth Rite Descending from HeavenMar 01,2013
- Berserk 187 Retribution the Birth Rite ResonanceMar 01,2013
- Berserk 186 Retribution the Birth Rite Tsunami of Darkness (2)Mar 01,2013
- Berserk 185 Retribution the Birth Rite Tsunami of Darkness (1)Mar 01,2013
- Berserk 184 Retribution the Birth Rite One Who Depends and One Who StrugglesMar 01,2013
- Berserk 183 Retribution the Birth Rite Ghostly Priest (2)Mar 01,2013
- Berserk 182 Retribution the Birth Rite Ghostly Priest (1)Mar 01,2013
- Berserk 181 Retribution the Birth Rite Chougyo(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 180 Retribution the Birth Rite Shadow of An Idea (3)(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 179 Retribution the Birth Rite Shadow of An Idea (2)(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 178 Retribution the Birth Rite Shadow of An Idea (1)(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 177 Retribution the Birth Rite Collapse(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 176 Retribution the Birth Rite Martyr(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 175 Retribution the Birth Rite A Sign(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 174 Retribution the Birth Rite The Threatened(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 173 Retribution the Birth Rite Forgotten Man Underground(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 172 Retribution the Birth Rite Hell's Angels(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 171 Retribution the Birth Rite In the Sky,On the Ground(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 170 Retribution the Birth Rite Spider's Thread(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 169 Retribution the Birth Rite Blood of the Dead (2)(fixed)Feb 24,2014
- Berserk 168 Retribution the Birth Rite Blood of the Dead (1)(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 167 Retribution the Birth Rite Iron Maiden(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 166 Retribution the Birth Rite Captive(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 165 Retribution the Birth Rite Cliff(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 164 Retribution the Birth Rite Ambush(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 163 Retribution the Birth Rite Meeting Again(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 162 Retribution the Birth Rite Evil Cave(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 161 Retribution:The Birth Rite: Ambitious Boy(fixed)Dec 22,2013
- Berserk 160 Retribution:The Birth Rite: Stray(fixed)Oct 15,2013
- Berserk 159 Retribution:The Birth Rite:Black Swordsman on Holy Ground(fixed)Oct 15,2013
- Berserk 158 Retribution the Birth Rite Pillar of FlameFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 157 Retribution the Birth Rite Evil Road (2)(fixed)Jan 06,2014
- Berserk 156 Retribution the Birth Rite Evil Road (1)(fixed)Jan 06,2014
- Berserk 155 Retribution the Birth Rite WitchFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 154 Retribution the Birth Rite The Inner SanctumFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 153 Retribution the Birth Rite FanaticFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 152 Retribution the Birth Rite Children of the ShadowFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 151 Retribution the Birth Rite Tower of the Shadow(2)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 150 Retribution the Birth Rite Tower of the Shadow(1)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 149 Retribution the Birth Rite Kushan(2)Oct 07,2013
- Berserk 148 Retribution the Birth Rite Kushan(1)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 147 Retribution the Birth Rite Holy Ground(2)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 146 Retribution the Birth Rite Holy Ground(1)Apr 21,2013
- Berserk 145 Retribution the Birth Rite Weak FireMay 04,2013
- Berserk 144 Retribution the Birth Rite Crack in A SwordMay 04,2013
- Berserk 143 Retribution the Birth Rite Revelation(3)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 142 Retribution the Birth Rite Revelation(2)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 141 Retribution the Birth Rite Revelation(1)Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 140 Retribution:Bound in Irons Morning TruthFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 139 Retribution:Bound in Irons Coming and GoingFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 138 Retribution:Bound in Irons Miracles of the EveningFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 137 Retribution:Bound in Irons Blind WomanFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 136 Retribution:Bound in Irons Hollow IconFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 135 Retribution:Bound in Irons Knights of the Holy Iron Chain 2Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 134 Retribution:Bound in Irons Knights of the Holy Iron Chain 1Feb 27,2013
- Berserk 133 Retribution:Lost Children Beast of DarknessFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 132 Retribution:Lost Children Elf in the Blue SkyFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 131 Retribution:Lost Children The Road HomeFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 130 Retribution:Lost Children FireflyFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 129 Retribution:Lost Children Devil and Man in Close QuartersFeb 27,2013
- Berserk 128 Fresh Blood in the Evening Sky- The EndFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 127 Retribution:Lost Children Evil in the AirFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 126 Retribution:Lost Children MonsterFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 125 Retribution:Lost Children CocoonsFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 124 Retribution:Lost Children Misty Valley (2)Feb 20,2013
- Berserk 123 Retribution:Lost Children Misty Valley (1)Feb 20,2013
- Berserk 122 Retribution:Lost Children PursuersFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 121 Retribution:Lost Children Guardians (2)Feb 20,2013
- Berserk 120 Retribution:Lost Children Guardians (1)Feb 20,2013
- Berserk 119 Retribution:Lost Children The Land of WingsFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 118 Retribution:Lost Children Childhood MemoriesFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 117 Retribution:Lost Children Pirkaf the Red-eyedFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 116 Retribution:Lost Children Will O' the WispFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 115 Retribution:Lost Children QueenFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 114 Retribution:Lost Children Pretty InsectsFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 113 Retribution:Lost Children Flying InFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 112 Retribution:Lost Children-JillFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 111 Retribution:Lost Children-Elves from the Misty ValleyFeb 20,2013
- Berserk 110 The Black Swordsman, Once MoreJan 26,2013
- Berserk 109 He Who Hunts DragonsJan 26,2013
- Berserk 108 ArmamentJan 26,2013
- Berserk 107 Demon InfantJan 26,2013
- Berserk 106 Vow of RetaliationJan 26,2013
- Berserk 105 The SprintJan 26,2013
- Berserk 104 Awakening to a NightmareJan 26,2013
- Berserk 103 Escape (LQ Version)Jul 02,2014
- Berserk 102 Afterglow of the Right EyeJan 26,2013
- Berserk 101 BirthJan 26,2013
- Berserk 100 QuickeningJan 26,2013
- Berserk 99 LifebloodJan 26,2013
- Berserk 98 God of the AbyssJan 26,2013
- Berserk 97 Storm of Death (2)Jan 26,2013
- Berserk 96 Storm of Death (1)Jan 26,2013
- Berserk 95 The FeastJan 26,2013
- Berserk 94 PartingJan 26,2013
- Berserk 93 The CastleJan 26,2013
- Berserk 92 fixedMar 24,2015
- Berserk 91 AdventJan 26,2013
- Berserk 90 The Promised TimeNov 27,2012
- Berserk 89 EclipseNov 27,2012
- Berserk 88 Back Alley BoyNov 27,2012
- Berserk 87 The Warriors of TwilightNov 27,2012
- Berserk 86 Requiem of the WindNov 27,2012
- Berserk 85 The Immortal Once AgainNov 27,2012
- Berserk 84 The Flying OneNov 27,2012
- Berserk 83 Armour To The HeartNov 27,2012
- Berserk 82 Mortal Combat (2)Nov 27,2012
- Berserk 81 Mortal Combat (1)Nov 27,2012
- Berserk 80 Forest of TragedyOct 25,2012
- Berserk 79 Roar of the Wild BeastOct 25,2012
- Berserk 78 Devil Dogs (4)Oct 25,2012
- Berserk 77 Devil Dogs (3)Oct 25,2012
- Berserk 76 Devil Dogs (2)Oct 25,2012
- Berserk 75 Devil Dogs (1)Oct 25,2012
- Berserk 74 Flower of the Stone CastleOct 25,2012
- Berserk 73 Bakiraka (2)Oct 25,2012
- Berserk 72 Bakiraka (1)Oct 25,2012
- Berserk 71 A Way ThroughOct 25,2012
- Berserk 70 Reunion in the AbyssOct 25,2012
- Berserk 69 Thousand-Year FiefdomOct 25,2012
- Berserk 68 Festival's Eve (2)Sep 27,2012
- Berserk 67 Festival's Eve (1)Sep 27,2012
- Berserk 66 Infiltrating Windham (2)Sep 27,2012
- Berserk 65 Infiltrating Windham (1)Sep 27,2012
- Berserk 64 Sparks From A Sword TipSep 27,2012
- Berserk 63 Wounds (2)Sep 27,2012
- Berserk 62 Wounds (1)Sep 27,2012
- Berserk 61 ConfessionSep 27,2012
- Berserk 60 Comrades In ArmsSep 27,2012
- Berserk 59 The FighterSep 27,2012
- Berserk 58 The FugitivesSep 27,2012
- Berserk 57 Arms TournamentSep 27,2012
- Berserk 56 Demise of a DreamSep 05,2012
- Berserk 55 The Fallen HawkSep 05,2012
- Berserk 54 Start of the Everlasting NightSep 05,2012
- Berserk 53 Knight of Skeleton (Fixed)Aug 14,2014
- Berserk 52 The Morning Departure (3)Aug 27,2012
- Berserk 51 The Morning Departure (2)Apr 02,2013
- Berserk 50 The Morning Departure (1)Aug 27,2012
- Berserk 49 One Snowy NightAug 27,2012
- Berserk 48 Tombstone of Flame (2)Aug 27,2012
- Berserk 47 Tombstone of Flame (1)Aug 27,2012
- Berserk 46 Moment of Glory (Fixed)Sep 02,2014
- Berserk 45 Triumphant ReturnAug 27,2012
- Berserk 44 The Battle For Doldrey (6)Aug 27,2012
- Berserk 43 The Battle For Doldrey (5)Aug 27,2012
- Berserk 42 The Battle For Doldrey (4)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 41 The Battle For Doldrey (3)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 40 The Battle For Doldrey (2) (Fixed)Aug 14,2014
- Berserk 39 The Battle For Doldrey (1)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 38 Campfire of DreamsAug 15,2012
- Berserk 37 SurvivalAug 15,2012
- Berserk 36 Prepared For Death (3)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 35 Prepared For Death (2)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 34 Prepared For Death (1)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 33 Casca (3)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 32 Casca (2)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 31 Casca (1)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 30 EngagementAug 15,2012
- Berserk 29 Departure for the FrontAug 15,2012
- Berserk 28 Precious ThingAug 15,2012
- Berserk 27 Assassin (4)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 26 Assassin (3)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 25 Assassin (2)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 24 Assassin (1)Aug 15,2012
- Berserk 23 Master of the Sword (2)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 22 Master of the Sword (1)Mar 29,2013
- Berserk 21 Nosferatu Zodd (4)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 20 Nosferatu Zodd (3)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 19 Nosferatu Zodd (2)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 18 Nosferatu Zodd (1)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 17 Sword WindJun 13,2012
- Berserk 16 The Golden Age (8)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 15 The Golden Age (7)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 14 The Golden Age (6)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 13 The Golden Age (5)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 12 The Golden Age (4)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 11 The Golden Age (3)Jun 13,2012
- Berserk 10 The Golden Age (2)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 31,2016
- Berserk 9 The Golden Age (1)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 26,2016
- Berserk 8 The Guardians of Desire (6)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 26,2016
- Berserk 7 The Guardians of Desire (5)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 26,2016
- Berserk 6 The Guardians of Desire (4)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 26,2016
- Berserk 5 The Guardians of Desire (3)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 26,2016
- Berserk 4 The Guardians of Desire (2)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 26,2016
- Berserk 3 The Guardians of Desire (1)(Dark Horse Version)Aug 24,2016
- Berserk 2 The Brand(Dark Horse Version)Aug 24,2016
- Berserk 1 The Black Swordsman(Dark Horse Version)Aug 24,2016
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